

“Huntress?” Oracle's concerned voice spoke through the comlink. “What's wrong?”

“You're intel's lousy!” Helena hissed.  “I think we've been set up.  There're over a dozen guys in here with me.  And most of them are armed!”

Damn.” Barbara Gordon felt an ice-cold knot settle within her stomach, as she went through every conceivable backup plan she could think to get Huntress out of there.  The knot grew colder when she couldn't find one.

“I've placed an anonymous 911 call to the GPD,” Oracle radioed to her field partner.  “Hang in there, they should be there in a few minutes!”

“I can't wait.” She eased into a battle stance, undaunted by the sight of more than a few automatic weapons pointed at her.  “I guess the party's going to start before they get here.”

“Get her!” the crime boss yelled.

Fists, kicks, and bullets flew everywhere as the Huntress danced around the goons in a deadly ballet of combat moves.


Meanwhile, back in the tower, Dinah had been appraised of the situation - Barbara had a hard time enough as it was trying to stop her from joining Helena while she kept a com line open with her.  The sounds of the ongoing fight rang loudly from the speakers as both girls listened with a kind of worry borne out of pure frustration.


Back at the warehouse, Helena was winding down, tired from dodging so many bullets.  Taking a sharp breath, she felt that a couple of her ribs were broken from the crowbar one of those jackasses had used on her.  Her left eye was beginning to swell shut, and her right was slightly puffed from barely swerving away from an incoming fist. And a bloodied lip completed the ensemble.  She knew she had taken out about six or eight of them, but they just keep on coming.  To top it off, her damned leather coat was in tatters!

Then she suddenly felt a stinging sensation just a few inches above her right knee.  Crying out in pain, she fell from her leap - as one of the bullets had gotten lucky.  

Trying to get up, ignoring the pain in her right leg.  She wouldn't allow them the honor of seeing her beg for mercy.  

Barbara and Dinah were helpless as they heard everything over the open link.

Where the hell are those goddamned cops?” Barbara screamed in anger, banging her useless legs with her fists in futility - thrice cursing the Joker for ruining her life, wishing she were out there with her friend.  “They were supposed to have been there five minutes ago!”

“We need a miracle.” Dinah said, tears flowing down her face.

Funny thing about fate. They got one.


As Helena went down, she heard a voice echo through the warehouse.  It was cold and emotionless, sending more ice down her already shivering spine.  It sounded like a god - a god that was worse than the devil.

“Now that's no way to treat a lady!”

Before darkness claimed her, she saw a shadow descend from above.

A very large shadow descending with jagged wings.  And this shadow had two sharp points rising above its head.

“Daddy?” she whispered deliriously into unwanted slumber.


Stillness reigned over them at the tower.  Barbara Gordon was shocked into immobility.



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